Our company performs repair services of wooden pallets of all types in:
- our storages, or
- in customer locations,
using machinery specific to this activity, materials, original and / or recovered parts, but also a professional team, capable of responding to requests efficiently and in a timely manner.
Pallet reconditioning involves replacing the damaged elements, respecting the technical standards for each pallet type. After this operation, the pallets are stored in specially arranged spaces, by categories, from where they will be delivered to the beneficiaries and placed in the economic circuit.
Our repair capacity is currently around 2,000 pallets per day, in exchange, but depending on needs we can extend up to 3,000 and even more.
Livrare rapida
Livrarea se face cu mijloace proprii, produsele noastre ajungand in cel mai scurt timp in depozitul clientului, fiind gata de reintrare in circuitul economic
Multumire deplina
Calitate de exceptie si in conformitate cu standardele Europene
Acordam aceeasi atentie partenerilor nostri indiferent de marime si pozitia pe piata
Garantia lucrarii
Desfasuram activitatea, cu profesionalism si devotament oferind garantia completa a lucrarii